Utilizing Family Planning Data in the Philippines

ReachHealth is a USAID supported program that provides support to the Philippines Department of Health (DOH) to address unmet family planning across the country. One of the central activities on...

HIV Stigma Research in Jamaica

In the world of public health one of the fundamental priorities is ensuring that everyone has access to healthcare. The World Health Organization uses the term UHC or Universal Health...

Using Enterprise Tools for Monitoring Survey Data Collection

Research optimization is the practice of providing survey research teams with timely, high quality data through technology. To do this at RTI, we rely on a number of open source...

Five Takeaways From the 2019 DHIS 2 Annual Conference

This year I attended the annual DHIS2 conference in Oslo, Norway. Here are five things that I learned there. 1. DHIS 2 is a worldwide effort This year was the...